Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Allowing the Heart to speak volumes

There has never been a time when I left life questioning my own individual of recent. There hasn't been an occurrence when I literally was left impaled by a of recent.
So I am sticking to current feelings and know what's best in my life and for my life. A fleeting love will never suit me, an undefined love with no grasp on mutual satisfaction will never keep me.
An in the moment love will never matter to me, because my passions before and after will matter more. 

The reality is I love someone else. I have loved him for awhile, and I denied him for awhile, but I compared the price of my love for another and it just didn't match. To play in love and pretend to be in love is just something I could never do. To grow in love and want a love from you is something I can not do. 
As you read this I want you to ask yourself was it ever love or you loved someone you thought you would never have? As hard as that is to say it was difficult for me to write. I bare no witness to individual slights or name callings, but I do know what we had was never love. The enjoyment of ones company and companionship was what I experienced. I thought I loved you, but when I started to dislike you I knew I never loved you I just assisted the fantasy life of marriage and kids and a shared union knowing I would stay as long as my attention held me.

I have gathered my life from the depths of my souls from the love ridden and life lessoned experiences as if seasoned with only life's disappointments. I have started to build steam and encouragement and grasp my fresh start and in this you was not included. 

I am sorry to have let this go on, but it's done. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013


You open my door and walk towards me...I am lying on my bed partially dressed and awaiting your longed for touch.

I don't know if it was the combination of the music and pepperment oil, but all I know is that my body was guided to complete satisfaction by you. My body and your body combined to bring the intensity of an unbreakable bond between us. I longed to touch you and embrace you and kiss you...I don't have to tell you how I liked to be touched, because you already know this. I don't have to adjust my own comfort levels, because I already know you. Lovers from before and after, lovers continually seeking out each other, lovers loving one another.

The after effects of your touches is irreplacable. I slept so soundly next to you. I stayed up until your breathing relaxed and your sleep induced snores began. our bodies beside one another in still induced unison. I am comforted with and within you, and during our passion induced state I forgot just how much I had missed you, and even in our time apart our bodies never strayed away. I did wonder if perhaps we would be clumsy restless newly found lovers, attempting to figure out our bodies, but low and behold when our intimacy and passion began to build there was nothing that I had forgotton, nor you.

Trail kisses up and down my spin, my hair all in my face, your arms moving up and down my sides, cupping my full breasts and erect nipples. You turn me over and lay me on my back and suckle my breasts..each breasts recieving absolutely the most attention as one another. You lick and suck the in between of chest and move your mouth ever so lower. The pleasure recieved from YOUR mouth, tongue, lips and hands to your fingertips moved me to convulsions. You spread and enter me. You guide and tease me. You place pressure ON ME and hold me. You bind and unbind me. I ride you. I cum for you. I cum for me.


Lost of words, and absolute lost for control. Our bodies battled one another until utter completion.

Monday, June 3, 2013

You Ready Baby...

I could absolutely eat you alive. I could lick my lips and recall each thrust you made within the depths of my feminine passions. I could lick a path down from your cheek to chin to the side of your neck and slowly encircle my lips around your nipples, to slowly guide my lips and kisses to your manly pleasure and passion...

I absolutely adore the eroticism of you. I simply adore the contentment and kept feeling of being surrounded by you. Held and encircled in your strong embrace. You not wavering with your emotional connection and obvious adoration of and for me. I allow myself to slip into your embrace.

To make believe that you was just a figment of my passion teased and longed for desired mind...I finally caught a glimpse of the superior feeling of unbridled desires. I wasted no time wanting my body to connect and feel yours. I waited up and planned my erotic night, knowing that you would not leave any place on my body untouched, unlicked and unkissed.

I could simply give up my wandering and unsatisifed affections just to engulf and experience a life time of YOU. So drawn and concrete on my physical attraction and continued interest and aroused state when I am around you...I have become captivated and a slave to your body and passions.

Wanting and needing and desiring you all in one setting. Could I still absolutely
eat you alive?

Allow me to chase my kisses onto your body with well placed licks and sucks. Delving and tasting as if I am never to experience this again. It almost feels this way when we have completed our union and lay holding onto each others sex sweated sides.

My morning touches begins with you, and my night wishes end with you.

Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...