Thursday, April 24, 2014

TIME is the Ultimate healer of all: Learning to age and love with grace.

Noticing in life everything happens within reason, and that there is a sense of responsibility and control we must have in order to see our most interesting life and circumstantial outcomes to occur; we have to experience life in every given moment. So in this given moment I decided to progress forward within my life experiences. Everything is up for review within the eyes of others, but within my very own eyes I have already decided that this moment in my life I will pursue and go forward with what has been naturally planned. The fear and doubt that resides within me will always surface to the top, but the design of my life and most passionate physical and mental connected experience to date has arrived, and I am already at this station ready to hop on this life train!

When reviewing my previous state of mind throughout my 32 years of living and loving life, and looking back at partnerships, relationship and intimate experiences that have left me emotionally available and open for so much more than I was ready to experience at that time, but then now I look at everything that is placed before me and I say to myself it has been handled previously within my life experience, but now life history repeats itself and I must make myself available for these lesson to be learned! I believe that everyone enters your life for a reason and the more you learn and study from the person the more your life lessons will be revealed to you. My sense of attracting uncensored, unloved or unloving hearts or emotionally indifferent lovers bothered me at one time. I thought there must have been a sign on my forehead stating that I am a 24/7 social worker for all, but yet I continued to attract the “type” until I started looking within. Everything that is clear is neither clean or streak free from dirty residue.

 No one particular moment in life is perfect, and neither is anyone so it’s a matter of learning about your lover, taking what you need from them and figuring out if this attracting soul fits within your life fold…taking this step and looking from within and gathering my emotional self and expecting a different outcome, allowed my heart and mind to settle on the notion of a no conditions kind of love! It took me years to get to this point, but I am aware of myself and moving forward with level of understanding of personalities outside of my very own, and never being disappointed in the blessings in disguise and life changes. I have an open mind and an open heart and I am eager to love and learn about the happiness of this life. The upsetting point can occur when I think about how long it has taken me to get to this point in my existence, but then I think to myself that I would have not been able to handle these life responsibilities years ago, so I am thankful for the aged gap and the wisdom and knowledge! Learning to experience a love like no other is in fact a challenge to the senses.

 A compromised love can have you rethinking your place in life and within the moments of your choosing, but then you realize that there always will be you before and after the love, and you must hold true to your individual beliefs although life, emotions, love and the art of mastering love is always something that sets your heart to the wind. Everything is meant to be experienced. Everything is meant to be challenged; otherwise it would not be LIVING!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tasting of the Divinity of a truly Passionate Soul experience...Can I handle it?

A connected force of a shared union can be pulling to the point of a choked hold. As I stand amidst the potential ruin before me, I must admit that neither a sense of fear or defeat comes over me. 

I could allow these moments to literally define my current life situation. The passionate embraces and clipped times spent together could add up and branch out into something, but am I willing and patient to see whatever this situation is developing into?

As with life we take chance moments and happenings for granted. We become greedy and get a sample of something that intrigues us and we instantly devour it. We don't allow the natural state of digestion to settle in or the feelings that occur when we ingest and really allow our taste buds to hone in on why this taste so good. 

This analogy I associate with life and my intricate take on passion and my romantic stance and life. Even when the fruit is forbidden we don't take time to ingest the most sweetest and bitter parts. We greedily swallow whole and hope for the best, but when an upset stomach or gas occurs we finally take the time to see just what caused this issue.

So as many times as I can talk myself into a situation and definitely out of a situation, I can easily learn to take time and understand it. When people enter your life you have to honestly tell yourself that nothing is forever, and although we as human beings have the tendency to see life in hours, minutes and seconds to days, months and years; that temporary forever still remains nonexistent, because at any moment what we once knew and had and cherished could be removed right before our eyes.

So does this explain my greed with wanting to swallow life whole? I don't want to sink into the depths of understanding, when the discomfort, upset and irritation of knowing could be harmful and hazardous to my sanity and health, but yet I want to succumb to the limiting feeling of existing and just being, without getting to the absolute bottom of the experience and working my way right back up towards the top. It's at the root life begins and ends. 

I am challenging myself to be uncomfortable, to stand corrected to absolutely get to the bottom of each situation and reason as to why people enter my life. The more I am becoming absolutely comfortable in my very own surroundings and my own company and space, the more I am learning that this inner peace extends outside of yourself and the very walls you are working to break down.

As to the situation of romantic heights, I am afraid yes, but I am willing to allow life to unfold before me, but not with blinded eyes, or rose tinted lenses, but with big beautiful green eyes. I have the ability to remain whole and complete and intact, but I also have the ability to allow myself to be pulled in many directions, lose focus and go unguided, but I won't allow the untested and uncharted ways of my life and the world to have a handle on me. 

I remain open to tasting a love so deep!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Like the Lotus Flower: Faithfulness...rising above the murky waters for the achievement of enlightenment.

When there is no worry or concern or care you will notice that all of your decisions are no longer based entirely from a logical point, but they are based from the mind eye and the heart. Genuine are your responses and feelings to anything that will stimulate a response that deepen your receptiveness to anything or anyone that visually engages you.

If you could gather the feeling of floating in air, or walking through fire perhaps you would understand just how emotionally entangled and committed I have become. Clearly my logic and cares have abandoned me, but yet as disruptive as these feelings are I have welcomed them without any cause for concern or alarm.

When placed in a happy space and position with life you welcome anything that brings a smile upon your face. Whenever I made attempts at deciding how life would occur and happen for me, I noticed life simply stalled and cut off on me. It wasn’t fair to be going through these life motions, but in order for me to be perfectly present in my now- these life happenings needed to occur. I am thankful and graced with the tools to acknowledge life, before it passed me by entirely.

It was within the unknown that I knew everything would be ok. It’s within the vulnerability that I also knew that everything would find its right position in life and take its well-deserved stance. It’s also within the belief that perhaps this time I got it right, my mindset welcomed it more.

So within the cast shadows and the distant memories stillness has enveloped me.

Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...