Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Healthy love: Mind body and Spirit in unison. What once mattered no longer imprints. What does matter evolves and lives on!

I am on a Journey…and on my pathway I have encountered life situations that have tempted me, discouraged me, pleased me and left me doubting me, but in the end I have allowed faith and my life to simply fall accordingly. Each moment is to be experienced, but it’s what we understand and take from the experience that define US. When I like someone I become so involved within the relationship, that I forgot the main element of surprise…continuing to know and love thy self.

This is a personal admission that hunted me in several relationships, and it’s something that had become almost a natural experience for me. When you lose since of self and control over your own emotions you look toward others and their own individual life plight as your very own, no longer living vicariously through a person’s experience, but allowing it to define and mirror your very own. It becomes very difficult to rid yourself of these feelings, but when you step outside of yourself and take a hard felt and objective look you slowly begin to regain the pieces of self. Whatever relationship error you previously made or participated in no longer deeply weighs on your shoulders. You have accepted each relationship in passing as temporary. You have reconciled with your heart and found that it beats for you, because it loves you and wants you to continue on, and so you begin to redefine your image and individual journey.

#LoveYOU #TeamAmor #MeFirst

Something stated so simply, but yet resonating so deeply within our souls is our very own ability to realize what is ideal for us when dating and pursuing long term passionate relationships. It’s important to pay attention to your individual wants and have the ability to definitely not settle yourself to just any form of interest, passion, lust and love. Being aware of your emotional self and individual needs affords you the ability to become a love master, and judge every opportunity based on where your heart, life and long term goals are willing to expand to. Within our search for love we look for an equal love almost fairy tale like, we tend to overlook common factors when dating and relating and finding love. Yes, we do lean towards pure unadulterated emotions, basic chemistry connections and likeminded interests as being the ultimate relationship consummator, however, having a healthy and developing love and taking our time to rediscover our independent interests and desire affords us the ability to explore our partner and relationship of choice rather than rushing and jumping on the love roller coaster. So when you feel the telling signs of unease and discomfort within your relationship, or when the rose tinted shades begin to clear and your vision is no longer tinted by raw emotions you then know when to take a humbling bow and thank your former flame for the relationship experience that allowed you to examine and define your love style. You welcome change and a transitioning experience openly and honestly, and you look forward to a developing and deserving love.

 #SayGoodBye #OnToTheNext #HelloGoodMorning

When I realized that someone else’s love does not complete you, but it only compliments your own individual love for yourself a major emotional waved has shifted within me. I have learned that another person’s love compliments you but doesn’t complete you. A shared experience and path can be ventured together, but in the end your dreams and life path walked will only be ventured by you. So when you can coexist in a relationship without a need for any outside you realize what truly completes you. A new found respect for your lover’s way in life and within their own individual world promotes a healthy and respectful relationship with yourself and within your relationship.
 #TrueLove #LetItBloom #EvolvedLove

Developing a new found respect for gym activities and Pinterest body sculpting pins; working towards creating a healthier mindset and fitness goals has afforded me peace and relaxation all around. When you promote a satisfying and healthy self, you attract just exactly what you want and need. Your experience within creating a healthy relationship with yourself determine your motivations with relationships with everyone else, and if they will serve you and your own goals. Rest and relaxation and finding time to vacation or simply get away from your everyday norms allows you to regenerate, recollect and promote an experience within that can never be matched by anything or anyone.
#RestRelax #VacationsAreNeeded #PromotingAHealthyLifestyle

When we rush relationships we fall in all types of trouble within our heart, within ourselves and within our love path chosen. We question everything due to not taking the time to create clear communication with our partner. We openly communicate and display a love that we know we are deserving of when we take the time to build love. Things do happen in life, coincidences occur, de ja vu and visionary dreams do come to fruition, but in order to experience it and expect more from a life snippet we must water it, and when we water it we must be willing to openly grow it through the good and bad times of development. Knowing your intentions and your lovers intentions and continuing to blossom on from there allows patience and persistence to be magnetic and worthwhile.

#TakeYourTime #InstaLove #Patience

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to settle an open heart in a world of mixed emotions...

Some days I am hot and other days I am cold. Some nights I jump proudly into my bed and roll around as if the world is all mine, and other nights I huddle in between the sheets and look at the bare ceiling wondering why there is a little indent on the right side of my ceiling and yet the left side lay smoothly.

My heart has healed and my mind lay open to all types of romantic interceptions, but yet I feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception. I await my dream life and chase my reality in a sleeping state. Within my sleep I lay witness to everything that I could have possibly done to not receive your love and affections. As I awake I answer your call with trepidation, but also with a stillness within my heart that has allowed me to receive you fully. How can this be when our life situation is iffy at best with a chance of complication...

In my distance my soul silenced itself to you. I attempted to cut all ties and leave life as simply as could be, and within my simplicity I found my answers. There is nothing that I could absolutely do to unbind a naturalistic love, a love that was charted before our very own conception. A love that has no barriers and is real. A love that is just a difficult and challenging as most. A true love.

So today I am luke warm and I look across the table at my best friend as she snaps my picture. We have exchanged our hearts information about the one's that has captivated our mind, hearts and time. The ones who may have gotten away, but slowly crept back into pour thought rotation, however, this time we stand at the doorway with the door closed looking through the peephole just thinking "Is this meant to be?"

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Chase: Until we find our very own balance and sense of self within love we will always be looking and never quite finding what we truly need.

To give love out freely, but yet to walk away from a potential heartache yielding no expectation or desires to resume it once again has become the guiding force within my very own current existence. I have lived my emotional life gravitating to those whose hearts needed to be shown love. As I gave out all of my love and affections I soon realized that there were limitations of the heart when it’s not mutually reflected. You can’t continue to Nurse other peoples ailing hearts as your very own heart decreases in its size and productivity.

 Accepting the no expectations, no responsibility modules I was able to sail through life without thinking any further. To sustain myself in a losing battle of love I always thought it was best to keep your emotions and experiences at bay, but then I started to follow my heart and yet it attracted people who needed Nursing and healing, and yet again their awakening was seen as my ending. I limited and challenged myself at the same time. I faced an opposite with a futuristic outlook and then I started to awake. If you test yourself you will always feel pressured and forced to respond with the right answer, although you may never know what exactly is the right answer you will continually fear being wrong, so with being wrong you would have learned from so many attempts that you begin to then close yourself off from further deduction and problem solving from within. Although I fear, I also explore. I dream, but yet I doubt. I attempt to balance one with another and open my eyes to the present waking moment, and within that balance I was able to slowly uncover what I haven’t really been able to embrace in almost 33 years of life…Me.

 Acceptance, understanding, compassion, love: My most recent four agreements and guiding forces that continues to nurture a wavering and unyielding soul. I have accepted the fact that people will come into your life for a reason. Their reason may not mirror your very own, but there is a message to be deciphered, and within that message you will find all the answers you have ever needed for that very moment. There can be no temporary me. I was created to give and receive love, and for me to respect and understand love I needed to experience a greedy love, a self-centered love, complicated love and a rejuvenated love. It took accepting, experiencing and learning about this love to appreciate my solace and reconnection period within myself. What we give others should be given back equally! I can say that through each experience good or bad or indifferent, I have regained a new found sense of self and just what I wanted and needed in this life, and as difficult and emotionally draining life can be it’s also meant to be lived, explored and loved!

Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...