Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Carpe Diem In the Name of L.O.V.E

Without a shadow of doubt our bodies created this fairytale like world whereas love never falters, disappointment never begins and the emotional connection ceases to end. Whatever troubled me stood no ground in your presence, it's as if everything melted away. Your full stance and calming soul blanketed me and I feared no more. Years later you would wonder why this connection ran deeply so, or why there was never anything as riveting and diverting of my attention span as when you are within my visual field. I have a preference, but I dare not say it...once I breathe the dragon of my volcanic love things will fail to remain the same. This may be an emotional upset or even an appeal to my sensibilities in life, but I'd be damned if I wouldn't admit that I had fallen and this time I don't ever want to get up.

I want you right there beside me paining from pleasure and broken passion; only to revel in the thought of eternal bliss and sunshine.

Roses and daffodils and sunflowers, green lawns and blue skies and great plains and escapes. As easy as that flowed off my already passion swollen tongue (writhed with taste of you)I continue to speak and pressingly so even in the midst of it all. Cease the day they say...but I want to capture you. Our bodies reach for one another, our kisses intensify and fingertip strokes form into deep massages to endearing pulls.

That magic is addictive

 Stirs me
 Pulls me 
 Into you...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What I know and What I Welcome...

Solace to my soul and wisdom to my mind and peace within my heart…

I am comfortable in predictable chaos. I am content with not knowing entirely where I stand. I have only looked into temporary needs, and filled myself to the brim never allowing my emotions to flow over. It’s an almost organized downhill descent to absolutely nowhere but an oppressed heart and shut down mind…and as I awake from this emotional nightmare I realize that it has passed me but yet hovers in the distance of doubt. What could I possibly fear?

I have been through personal transformations that resembled being upended and having had the rug removed from under my feet, to walking blindly into a situation with faith and belief that all will work wonderfully well. I had no doubt then, but yet presently I continue to close the door on experiencing a wholesome and uncontested love.

 As I close out several chapters to those that have entered and easily exited, I am seeing that what really matters is not the chaos, but the stillness when I am in peace. The presence of those who really matter, the presence of someone taking the time to invest in you and seek to explore, experience and encourage the drive that pushes you forward.

Allowing the THREE E’s to take a hold of me, who and what could possibly fail me now…

Speak to me...

Listening to your stories of frustration or you making your best attempts at correcting past and present behaviors, or even rewriting your r...