Sunday, April 16, 2017

I have Arrived: Love Lives Here!

Love has never given up entirely on me! I say that with pride and with amazing hope in the face of my experiences past, present and the unpredictable future. I have never felt so emotionally raw and interrupted as never before, and oddly it’s the most freeing feeling experienced.

I am aware of my main involvement in regards to love within my world, and absolutely becoming saturated in the mask of emotions that wax and wane like the moon! However, knowing what the saturation level of love was clocked at, I decided to take a step back and a stance when attracting newly beckoned romance, or finishing out a sizzling love loss.

I can’t contend with the fact that sometimes love is not concerned with the diminished relationship that was with my former significant other. Love pretty much had left me with no notice and no expected return date. I literally had to learn that closure is a blessing when allowed and received, and it’s not necessarily determined during the initial separation…sometimes closure will not be given, but life and love must continue undoubtedly and with the spunk to absolutely rue no day, but continue to march right on along.

I said goodbye to a distant memory, a toxic and negative being that at one time meant the absolute world to me, but at this time his essence is dead to me. There is no reentry into the windows of my soul when you shut me entirely out. Not giving the individual the ability to choose to stay or go was taken from me, and as you removed my rights to continue our love, so was the rights removed for you to ever get the lost love back, and so I removed myself from a connection so deep it literally beheaded me.

This time I have before me is for the taking. I am not sitting comfortably and simply waiting anymore. I have found the rhythm in love with life, and the ability to enjoy each and every waking moment. I must remind myself of the amazing dreams I have allowed to accept into my fate. Everything that I want and desire has never been forsaken, and just like with love from significant others in passing and unpredicted love in the near future, it will always remain supreme and free. Anything fleeting and not able to sustain the intensity of a true love…walk on by!

Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...