Saturday, February 26, 2011

Am I letting ME go………..

Waiting in the wind, just letting the summery breeze pass me by, I see a smile, a charming face and I linger towards his touch, and teasing taste. I smell his aroused scent, and I am overly stimulated and battling my raging emotions and control. Emotions and control that I have kept in check for so long. I then begin to think about all the nights and days where I reasoned with myself, and counseled myself on behavior and curbing my sexual desires and appetite that appears to start with a huge bam and then filters into a less than desirable fizz. I wonder if all those self talks I gave myself in the bathroom will shine through. I wonder if all the days and nights I laid in bed praying for the acceptance of sexual decline, and also a dropped libido and sex drive, however, none of that prevailed and my mind set quickly changed into who you are, and how are you pleasuring me tonight? As I steadied myself, and began causally walking towards the man of my dreams my inner thighs began clinching, my breasts raised and nipples thrust forward in my bra awaiting your touch and wet tongue. I inched closer and closer and opened the door and began walking towards you……..The man who sets the tone for all males. The man who hunts my dreams and awakens me to kisses, and showers of love. Love that is so intense I am paralyzed by your sex. You open your arms and embrace me as I walk forward towards you. Your scent intoxicates me and envelopes me in a wave of erotic passions. I adore and love you. I come with you and for you. I only want you……….
Do I dare?
The fear of the unknown can and will overwhelm you. I allowed myself to entertain the idea of seeing you. Engaging in a mild conversation, possibly watching a show or movie and then engaging in raw, explicit sexual activities. How dare I jump from humble pie, to sweeten peaches and cream…..hmmmm I dare say I jumped to what draws me currently. I just wanted to be fucked. Endlessly and pleasurably so. I want to close my eyes and listen to your mid section beating the beat of a sex stricken drum beat on my breast bone. I want to bend my ass back and watch you thrust forward and praise my slick pussy. I want to wrestle with your wrists, and tie your hands. I want to get on top of you and thrust forward and position a wet me on a harden and bursting pleasurable you. I want to sexually and casually slide off your sex and watch it glisten with my woman made rain drops. Oh yes I am freaky, or shall we say sexually in tuned with my inner goddess of a being. I lick those rain drops off of your sex and began a trail of sensual kisses down the path way I have created in the name of passion. I embrace your sex and watch you twitch and moan. Damn baby……..I like that.

Lesson Forty Eight: Let the hair down….
Loose is never tight. Tight is never crooked. Left may be right, and damnit I don’t doubt anything above and beyond what I generally adhere to, however, there will come a time when all rules are meant to be broken. All which was desired and spoken for is to be addressed and experienced. All passion and intense moments are to be bottled up and continually opened.

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...