Monday, April 23, 2012

Dusting off my dating shoes.....

A mixture of adventure and excitement all balled up into the dating experience. Not waiting for the summertime to roll around to select an ideal dating partner. It appears like the summertime sets the scene for the Fall and Winter romance, to then lead new love into the family oriented holidays and the meet and greets and exchange of mutual friends. So why do we fall into these assumed dating patterns and don’t break from the norms? I asked myself this very question today, and the answer I came across was basically break the cycle and make as many attempts as possible to enjoy the dating experience, and stray away from the social norms of assumed dating. Ever had a spring romance? Or was blown into the fall season by not only a cool draft, but the breeze of a handsome man with potential!

The start of changes and transitions begins with acknowledging that you are willing and more than able to make those necessary transitions into the future. What once served its purpose no longer has a space in your life. Letting all cares go to the wind and allowing positive happenings and experiences to develop and occur are well worth your time and attention. Breaking away from people who take up your time and space and warrant nothing from that experience. Breaking away from relationships that spread like poison and suck you into a dark hole and well of nothingness and no more.

So entering the room of potential with an open mind and a clean slated heart. Rubbing the pressure, pain and fears away and looking forward to the embrace and experience of something new, interesting and no longer blue.

Open Mind, Open Heart……..

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...