So I wait all of this time to absolutely become swallowed within myself and fear the developing of another's touch, taste and embrace and shared life experiences with me. I allow life to coincide with my individual needs and wants, but then when life presents a want and a need I have desired after and for, I become lost for words and have a hard time swallowing. My throat aches from the pull of what I know I should be saying, but I don't. I instantly become an active listener and I tune into you, but tune myself out. How do I begin again? Better yet, how do I allow myself to remain in a calm and not so much fixed state? Your responses are not what I am to expect. My reaction towards you are not to be forced. The flowing force of nature and pure life chemistry can not be tested, and I wont tamper with it. I have no doubts and I have no fear. Normalcy resumes I begin to breathe again. my once dry mouth is moistened and my former fears kindly separate from me. Suddenly I am faced with the reality of possibly more. How do I go about recieving him? I can not overwhelm my mind with that thought of what possibly could happen between us. Nothing has even started, but my mind is playing a game of Life...All I know is that feelings of doubt begins to creep in, and I visit all my faults and thoughts in question in regards to a relationship. I literally psych myself out, but this time I don't want to fear it or the start of it. I want to embrace it and allow it to bloom. I don't want to rush it, for whenever I rush no needs get met, only the basic ones and those needs are so limiting. So within this mood swing of sorts, I can honestly say I have checked myself back into normalcy and I await to experience you.
Thoughts are to be expressed and carried out. Picture your thoughts as a dream catcher of sorts. Writing out what I think and am feeling at the time assists me with resolving an issue, or enabling myself to experience and express my thoughts in relation to what is going on in my life.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
The heart speaks
Whatever it takes to sustain yourself and your specific interest in someone you will continue to do any and everything to maintain your courtship. In depth and in knowing someone so deeply the intimacy can never be denied. There is nothing that we wont do in the name of knowing...
My weekend consisted of a series of intimate thoughts, and not just simplistic wants and needs and desires that could be met; but they consisted of learning to be vulnerable, and no longer battling with WORDs and their individual meanings and impressions within my life. I have learned that being vulnerable doesn't make me weak. Being vulnerable does not allow me to see myself as a secondary option within someone else's life, because I am fearful of letting them go. Being vulnerable does not cloud my judgement or glaze my eyes.
Being Vulnerable allows me to explore the depths of my emotions without feeling as if they will be a burden to another if recognized and asked about them. Being vulnerable allows me to exist within myself comfortably so, allowing me to be.
I embraced this word and it no longer holds me hostage within my thoughts. A breaking of a self silence of so many years of holding back and holding a lot within. To maintain an exterior of a warrior for so long has not allowed any emotional energy to seep in, but ever so often the rains (life tears) continue to create a rust and dents within my armor. My shield and guards have dampened and I am simply left openly and willingly so, but within the disappearance of my wall there is no weakness...
I can be at one within myself
I can openly explore the world before me
I can be vulnerable with NO FEAR
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
I was humbled
When you think about everything that could possibly go wrong in your life, you become your own worst critic. What was an experience that went terribly wrong becomes an experience that increases in it's pain levels. Each increment of hurt and anguish and "what if" brings you literally to your knees. Your complexion has paled in comparison to it's once sun kissed perfection. To expect the worst is your new norm. Can I tell you that this story has literally defined my life? I have become so engrossed in the possibility of not being able to transcend these tempoary and fleeting moments which are to be expected; to then look further and dig deeper within my heart of all hearts. This story begins with everything happening as expected and then gradually me losing my footing and floating aimlessly to an undefined life line. Pain becomes happiness and being down and deeply indifferent to a sense of change and to challenge oneself to push just a little further remains lost within the original idea of happiness. What humbled me was the innocence of a child, and not just any child, but an individual so dear to me and close to me that our shared blood pulsates through our veins. She is a beautiful being, who is developing into a beautiful soul and young woman. In her life's eye she has been through so much then I have dared to dream and have experienced. She has braved surgeries and continued to dare to dream and live her life like no other. Whenever I was feeling down and doubt about thing I turned to her experience to allow myself to know that whatever fleeting hurtful moment I assumed would be the ending of my world, was only passing and tempoary, and that life had far more hurtles and challenges then the small ones I had deemed battles. I was humbled by her resiliance and acceptance in the role her spirit would play in her life. Just looking into her eyes I saw she was tired, and continuing to heal from her most recent surgery, but she remained steadfast and abreast about the life happenings involving us all. Her gift to dream and divine retreat into the unknown and life's order silenced me. Before I laid down to sleep, I cried deeply. I cried not because I was sad for her or I felt she was any different than anyone else I have known; I cried because of her utter ability to continue to live life accordingly throughout her medical up's and down's. I cried in the strength of her beauty and I felt rejuvenated. I basked in a beauty. I basked in the innocence of youth. I was humbled and looked at everything that happened and occurred to me, towards me and within me as a fleeting and passing moment. There is more to life then what meets our humanistic eyes, and the will to surpass even our very own limitations humbled me. I thank her. I love her.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Life Residuals
I awoke thinking perhaps I should dive right into love. I should simply take my cares to the world and shower myself with limitless love. Glistening passions and intensified moments that all comply into one identifiable experience. I shouldn't overwhelm myself with what could be, I should simply allow what will be to occur. As a constant thinker it becomes increasingly hard to just relax my mind and allow my body to naturally be led towards YOU. There are definite stops along my way of finding YOU, and there are definite pauses in discovering these renewed feelings within me. I can define these feelings and apply them to a thought set and life mode or perhaps even pattern, but I don't want to. I don't want to know...I don't want to think any additionally or further... After all of these years of writing my relationships out I have yet wrote an entry that absolutely showed my reslove with wanting to allow life to simply exist as is with no excuses and exceptions or the dreaded pull of self created pressures. The pressures in life that we create in order to flow effortlessly through these assumed "problems" only create more restrictions and issues, so with that being said I have lifted the veil that constricts me... When speaking to a great friend, she tired of the walls we create as women in regards to meeting new interests. In courtship, everything previously experienced no longer holds our interest or create residuals in our life. The ability to move forward and think new thoughts. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE
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Not a myth or legend, he exists.
I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...

So I am falling into myself as never before. Well perhaps as before, but more defined and pretty much open to changes and transitions, as ne...
I am not surprised that our door finally closed. I am only questioning myself as to why I allowed our door to remain open. I continued to se...
A lover once presented himself to me, and in his presentation he unfolded in so many which of ways that I no longer could tell where he s...