Sunday, December 14, 2014

17 more days...


When there is no absolute pull to any longer exist in a sheltered state of discomfort. When you awake in the morning and look up at the ceiling for the endless time and know that your ceiling looks almost foreign to you, then you now know that life has passed you right on by with or without your approval.

As I am seeing has caught up to me. What was once accepted as a standard for limited interaction of mediocre declarations of interest has flamed fanned away. My attention to detail span has increased, my need for exact definitions and meanings of your thought to reaction to expected outcome to realistic outcome is centering to me. 

No longer do I fantasize about the what if's, I no longer await a shadowed illusion of the what if, and the expected outcome is no longer devised from my thought to expectation, but spoken truthfully from you.

Perhaps the year coming to the end has a major role in my heart of hearts finally putting its love stained foot down. Perhaps my level of happiness has increased ten fold and I no longer gravitate towards anything or anyone. 

The amount of attention one will derive life from is the amount of attention that becomes pleasing and welcomed and a sense of wonderment for most. The days of partially accepting a mass appeal and honoring of a soul union has dissolved. The importance of the experience, whatever it may be within anyone's eyes is invaluable.

17 more days to the start of 2015 the new ideals are now the reasons for living life fully, completely and unconditionally as me. 

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