This was the year 2018 whereas I had love for you. This was he year of 2018's life when I would have absolutely done anything to maintain our oneness and "love" so I thought. There was a moment in time when my dreams revolved around the combination of me and you and our betterment and long term, but the reality of this dream cast me solidly on the harden ground and flat on my face. My head ached, my belly hurt and my eyes could no longer control the flow of tears that has trailed my cheeks for the past few months. I was no longer in recognition of me and who I had become and as I slowly looked into the mirror I struggled to regain my composure and move right along initially. It was until I realized that my image that was before me daily cast in it's deepest shadows was never going to be me. My hurt was deep and pained me so, but it was the initial bruise that had cast itself upon me, and would be temporary and passing for sure the more I realized that we was never meant to be, we was an experience and nothing more. I no longer gave my hurt energy, I no longer supported our failed relationship nor acknowledged it as it ended.
Change has come...
Have no fear in living the absolute best life experience for yourself. There will be a time in your amazing experience that you will have to make some deep incisions and when you open yourself up to a spiritual cut the depth of reveal will be mind blowing. You will realize that he never took the time to understand you or compliment your soul. He was afraid of your growth and the spirit that was awakened and rising within you. Your amazing experiences and approach towards life was never respected nor understood by him because he never lived as you lived and loved as you love. SO in defense of your ambitious heart, just know that for each experience a lesson plan was derived and within this lesson plan you was able to cross off a few happenings that you nor longer called mistakes but life hiccups that you have formally made amends with and healed.
You're glorious in your depth of self, dive honey dive!
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