Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Can I kick it? YES I CAN

People, Places and Them Thangs!

I guess you can say it's spin the block season...from jilted lovers to former flames that at one time occupied my world. My life has been simply amazing and exhausting all at once. What is a girl to do, with memories and broken dreams and promises of love, life and lusting on another...

I simply am in the mood to entertain, but not really. I am not looking for a reason as to why we never worked out, or even what the cause for the break was really about, or even for that matter an outlined guide as to where and why we went wrong and where we are now.

I want to be sitting in front of the TV looking at the former flames of my past as they literally spill the beans on to why we never worked, what could have been and why it never even made it. At one time I was seeking closure, I was even seeking a serious apology, but at this moment and point in my life I am realizing a major few things and my enjoyment in my own growth within these relationships has revealed that I have been experiencing so many growth notes in this life experience that has guided me to my now. My now is happening and it's showing me that my need for self absorbed experiences independent of another is greater then my need to experience a moment through a partnership, lust lead moment or an on/off romantic encounter. Being in this self absorbed bubble has taught me the most about myself, my partner and the relationships that I have grown into, through and grown out. 

I am here in the belief that life will lead me to the moment that will grant me personal serenity and satisfaction. Life will continue to leave me seated in a throne of grace. The grace I afford myself to believe in my personal legend, personal pathway and simple goals of being at one within. At healing within, and although I share some of my time and world with my partner currently it does not supersede the love, grace and space that I have cultivated within for these past 43 years, soon to be 44!

So a little birdie inspired me to revisit my blog, to relearn the lessons of love, life and the memory of my yesterday and today. Thank you Birdie, for you are another gifted writer too!

                                     She dreamt it. She believed in it. She lived it!

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

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