Saturday, July 24, 2010

A challenge of sorts......

Putting it and YOU into action......

So the emotional up's and down's of the past two weeks have allowed me to take a lot of reflective moments in time and thought to capture the essence of my moment. I have concluded that it is okay to feel, and experience a situation or moment and release it. I am not to continually dwell and mope and become upset about something I can not control, channel or for that matter amend to how I would want it to be and turn out. I am for that matter a puppet to my own desires. So with that being said I am going to embrace time, patience and the feeling(s) of being in the moment. There is nothing better than well placed and experienced moments. I get a tingle of happiness and a rise of growth from rereading that paragraph. I am letting go everything that I assumed held me back in regards to my dating and relating romantic experiences. I am allowing people, and opportunities to present themselves for good, for bad and for all. SO if you want to say I threw in that white towel, or ran in front of that psychotic bull with a red flag......well you can say that!!

Starting over?.......

A fresh start? A start unlike any other? I am more aware and also current with just where I want and need to be. Although I can not forecast the future, or even predict the present, all I can do is hold on to the moral grounds and position in my life that I have held steadfast to. I know I can accomplish and achieve just about anything and everything, so why should I allow romance to be the FLU of my world! I also decided the take charge attitude just is not as easy and appealing as I once assumed. This attitude becomes upsetting and nerve wrecking when things don't go your way, and you are left to fend for your emotional self and own good. The approach that is winning the highest honors with me is coming across laid back, and just being and allowing life to present itself and open them doors wide open. This approach is so different and new to me, that each day I continually learn and gravitate towards the positive and good things from each calming experience, and for that I continually say how fortunate and grateful I am. So starting over, changing directions, finding my right now and not chasing forever all sums up my twenty nine years of romantic woes, up's and down's and down right crazy train experiences. I am allowing life to win, and take me by surprise.

Lesson Thirteen: Clearing the AIR!
Allowing yourself to say I have been there, done that, co signed and circled on the dotted line, and still no appealing life results allows one to say life I am ready. Having traveled many different courses throughout my life, and I am sure I have many more to achieve and travel through; this particular life course I am willing, openly and honestly accepting. PATIENCE

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...