Thursday, July 22, 2010

With ease do I allow you to invade my senses......

So off to a new beginning?

Through the emotional overhaul and the up's and down's regarding the dating and relating factor, I am finally in a position to accept things for whatever they are and may be. I am finally in a position to open the flood gates, but not to tidal waters, but to a stream and flow of steady water. I was in a position when I damn near rebuked thee, but how could thee be the one of immediate and lasting interest to me. There is nothing that you can and can't do that will not interest me, although you pretty much allowed things to happen how you pictured. How is that I feel so extraordinary, but then at the same time I feel so leveled. I may want to say it has a lot to do with you, however, the complexity of not having one's way, and seeing that all relationships are not similar, but entirely different remains to be beneficial, as well as a positive experience for me. I can not compare you to my past relationships, nor can I snatch you up and just pretend that all will be well. You are right; I don't know you too well. Why am I giving you my all and heart in one way and peace, why am I celebrating myself openly and honestly with you? Why am I keen to want to go far, but yet never slow down to exist. Why? I do this because I care. I do this because I want to get to know you. I am throwing and rolling out that red carpet, because baby I am yours. Although you want to go slow with me, and walk with me, I am still jogging ahead of you, just trust me and follow me. Would you let me let you listen and love me. Would you?


So allowing me to grow and figure out the ways of the world and my time in this world is coming into handy. Perhaps it’s the added year of wisdom and blossoming I have gathered. Or perhaps it’s the love and affection from my family and friends that is allowing me to gather my inner strength and present myself in such a way that I can not be stopped or touched. I am only touched by those whom I allow to suckle me, not suck me. Suckle me as a sweet piece of berry you never touched before. Suckle me as if I am the honey that is begging you to try some more. Man, do I remember a time in my life when patience was my enemy, oh how I cursed her so. Well Patience I accepted your hand and welcomed you into my life. I have afforded you a ride into my nocturnal night. I have given up and drained myself of the pain, but picked myself up, screaming your name. Patience, you are my world and life, because without you I couldn’t survive another heart broken night. I am afforded your guidance and blessings, and you knew I would come around anyway. Thanks for waiting!

Taking a chance and a step......

You make me laugh and smile, and you make me nervous all at once. You make me think of the happy moments in my life. You give me strength not to mope or gloom doom around the house, but strength to move forward and on. I think and question and doubt naturally, but I transition those emotions and feelings immediately. I am happy that you entered into my life. I am excited and eager to get to know you. There is chemistry and an undeniable connection. I am excited and eager to see it comes to fruition.

Lesson Eleven.....Waiting isn't so bad
Although I would wish time past and make the clock speed up, I am asking for time to stand still for me. I am asking for my mind, body and soul to connect in unison for me. I am asking myself to remain patient and wait on progress. I am learning to smile, laugh, and giggle. I am taking my time to enjoy the simplicities of life. I am taking my time. I am taking my time.

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

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