Monday, August 31, 2015

Got A Secret Can You Keep It: Summer Amor

The Universal pull to have everything within your grasp has never been so proven true to me until my recent life happenings, and yet I remain truly graced and thankful and honored for the ability to have life happen to me and for me. It’s as if all my wishes and thought to dreams have all come absolutely true when I trust in the universal pull of life happenings.

A blast from the past afforded me a memory to recollect a time in my life where I was just learning the essence of being an adult, and learning adult relationships and guiding my passions in life as to where they wanted to be, and so the opportunity presented itself and I simply allowed life to happen. This guaranteed nothing, but it expressed everything. I absolutely went with what I was feeling. Emotionally sound for absolutely anything!

I listened.
I reasoned.
I acknowledged.
I validated.

No longer was my past a memory, but it was right before me, and I did not allow my feelings to best me, but I allowed my feelings to grant me the present moment. As I listened to his sorrows I listened to the modern issues of the dating life of a toxic love, a love that was not built to last, but it was maintained for pure selfish survival tactics. I felt empathy towards his heart and began to remember the times when I was primary in his life, but then I allowed that memory to simply fade away.

All carnal instincts seeped in. I became the woman who was sent to devour his unkempt passions and rugged emotions. I was a rogue soul in need of taming, but yet I neither gave my entire self away, just a piece of me as a healing force and reminder to him what a woman’s desires would do.

I don’t know where this is headed, and I want to start to daydream about the what, when and why and where do we go, but deep down inside I know I can’t even taint with the universal fate of a life experience, which may fade into a dream.

I devoured.
Entranced in Passions.
Held and consoled.
Piece of me.

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

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