Sunday, September 13, 2015

Everyone needs that's moment: The Great Love Escape....

Our time was to be experienced in passing only, although it appeared as if we were destined to be together. Truth be told, I didn’t feel the connective spiritual piece of kismet, but I did feel the life support received at your placement within my life.

It appeared that you were there to catch my heart from its fall. You came into my life at a time when I needed everything but him, and I received greedily everything you provided for me. Within that time nothing else mattered and your transition into my life was easily accepted, as was my former lovers exit.

The chemistry was there, the moments began to matter and I readily accepted that there would be more to come. The days that would turn into shared nights, to weekend events and activities to the art of dating and occupying one another’s space. In a span of a weekend I felt like forever was arriving, and I was ready to receive it, but then the reality of being blinded by passion and so starved for love and attention and affection that your life experiences and truth became secondary and not a primary reflection.

 A secondary truth afforded me the opportunity to make a decision about you, and me and within my moments of deciding I knew that we would never be forever, and that my moment of need was simply a moment of need and a time lapse within my life that I would soon get over. Your truth was you have an existing relationship, but you choose to live the life of a bachelor, you have a family, but they are neither within your visual frame to interfere with your daily. You appear to be sweet, charming and a true gentleman but yet your game and timing wears truly thin. I can not escape any of the blame in my choosing to entertain this relationship and life lapse, but yet it was meant to teach me another life lesson about missing and longing and the true basis for a love like none other and best understood when mutually and openly shared.

As I exit this summer romance I exit with a clean heart and a heart knowing that in my time of need I reached out and jumped entirely into a pan of love flames and fire, but yet I was able to untangle my mind, heart and soul from the realities of this potential relationships ending…

I am an absolute stout lover

My love will wax and wanes like the moon

 But my heart will never turn favor from it’s truest and deepest feelings

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

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