Thursday, January 7, 2016

AGAPE and EROs: The 2016 Journey start when in L.O.V.E

The adventure begins within I begin to narrow down the details of what it takes to exactly appease me more and more my world and mind has become centered towards the workings and wonders of AGAPE...the unconditioned spiritual love that knows no abounds. Clearly in a world where the focus is either over synthesized, over sexualized and over emotionalized there is nothing that we can entirely do to escape the emotional pitfalls and waterfalls of a loving life.

I currently stand in between Eros and AGAPE... 

Within Eros I am attracted to everyone, and within my attraction there holds no deep appeal or plea to reason as to why my attraction level reached so high with these particular individuals or the identified ONE for the moment. Eros simply eludes me to these want to know more facts, but yet Eros completely surrounds me with a sense of symbolism. Within instant attraction and honoring the love within the loves there gratification simply exists within the moments and simply letting them go no longer is a harden experience, but then here comes the AGAPE love...a love that has no conditions and has touched the realms of spiritual reasoning and reckoning. A love whereas it's almost your intuition kicking you in the knee telling you that you need to pay attention to this moment in space and time, and that acknowledging it will honor something already within your personal legend and life journey. So there is this unwritten inner battle between being at peace with love and learning the depths and types of love and then there is this wild motivating factor of instant attraction and broken promises and untamed hearts eager to spill together if just for that one time and night...

So do I dare explore the dimensions of my vivid imagination to see who reigns free EROS or AGAPE...

I begin my 2016 with a love for someone whose life has drawn him to where he needs to be. At times, I am wondering if our lives simply crashed towards one another to find our way loosely and then take the stretch of life and experience mutually, but then again there are times when I find that our love simply matches the moments within our hearts and expels our inner EROS...I however, have mastered my emotions to the point where I am simply not living to exist, and existing because I truly am living. I am not faltering into the eyes of others to live my life exclusively from the brink of an emotion; in which I have come to understand that love is not exclusive to a relationship, or a persona or a distinct life happening...that we find love in each and every aspect we live and if we truly dare ourselves to venture forward and push just a little more we will soon know who has occupied a nation and won the lover's war...

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Not a myth or legend, he exists.

I started back reading romance books from like the early 90's and 2000's. I wanted to have a little peace of romantic mind, because ...