Thursday, May 16, 2019

Renewed Energy in this time with no Space!

You are teaching me more about who you are as a father, a brother and a son. You are guiding me into your world slowly but surely, but within each step you stop and look back as if checking to see if I am still following you. Love has definitely hurt you and caused many emotions for you, emotions that have stung you and imprinted the pain of disappointment and doubt deeply into your psyche, but yet you have maintained a sense of self and balance. You never gave up on love and most importantly you continue to demonstrate your ability to love in your daily. Love leads you and has guided you to be exactly where you need to be. There will never be a doubt in your grand scheme of intimacy, life journeying and venturing out that you are destined for a love beyond your control. You flow so freely and effortlessly that it attracts many, but it has garnered the attention of my heart.

Captivated in your embrace, lost in your soul kisses and taking the time to dig a little deeper with you has encouraged me to absolutely let everything and everyone go. I have had experiences that have lingered on to the point of distaste. When the light lessens and interest levels continue to plummet there is no reason to keep up the act anymore, a curtain call for sure. So as your light and love continues to expand the joy in my world, so are my eyes centered on the energy that comes directly from you and enters into my daily stream of life. I am so grateful for the ability to openly and actively experience love in all forms of interactions with partners who are worthy of an unconditioned love.

As we journey towards the center of our own enlightened love I must tell you my fears with taking on room for another love has never lessened with you, nor has the anxiety of a failed partnership or a joint experience that will amount to absolutely nothing as it slowly grows and fades all the way into the back  has held me back from you.

I am embracing these feelings and emotions and enjoy every experience and aspect of you and me, yours and mine, us and we and togetherness. As close as we have become and deepened all levels of sensation and emotion to it's highest peak I simply want to thank you. For your ability to simply exist in a loveless world.

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